Monday, September 28, 2015

Immigration Approval Extended

Remember our appointment at the US Embassy in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti in early March?  We filed our 1-600 application, which requests that our earlier approval be directed to a specific child, W.  This will allow us to bring W home to the US at the end of the adoption process. 

This is one of the few easy parts of the Haitian adoption process.  All we have to do is email the US Embassy every 3 months to request an extension of our I-600.  That's it.

Well quess who forgot to put that date in my phone calendar back in March?  Uhm, yeah, I completely forgot,,,until 2 weeks past the deadline!  One night last week, God interrupted my sleep and reminded me.  Truly!  So I zipped off an email with all the pertinent information. 

I was fearful we would have to literally start all over with the immigration process, including the fees and the waiting.  But I prayed the officials would be gracious and extend our approval.

I received this email today.  Praise the Lord and thank you, Jesus!!!

P.S. My calendar is now filled with reminders at every three months for the next year.  But let's hope and pray all those reminders won't be needed... ;-)

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