Friday, January 22, 2016

And Fingerprints

UPDATED 1/22/16 @ 8pm

Today the hubs and I get to travel to our local US Homeland Security office in Atlanta to get our fingerprints updated.  Yes, friends, believe it or not, fingerprints expire.  This will be our 3rd time for this particular adoption, and should be our last, praise God.  First time cost $, last time was free, this time costs more $.
Interestingly, our prints actually expire tomorrow (or is it actually the day after the date printed on the form??).  Anyhoo, we are cutting it "kinda close", but what can you do when you send in the proper forms and call and email back and forth with USCIS for 5-6 weeks trying to get an actual appointment before they expire?  Because letting your fingerprints lapse is not recommended.  Fortunately we aren't at the end of Wisly's adoption where this would be a scary-big issue.  (Uuhm, did that once already, with our youngest daughter's adoption from Taiwan--eek).  The immigration officer assigned to our case actually said, and I quote, "It's not a real big deal really.  Just don't rob a bank or anything while you are waiting for your updated immigration paperwork."

Well, okay then.

Also since we can't bring electronic devices into the building, I will be reading Learn Haitian Creole with Gloria.  I'm actually quite excited to finally dig into Gloria's workbook.  I've had it for several weeks now but haven't found the time to do anything other than peek inside.  I just really would love to know more that a few simple words and phrases in Wisly's language.  I have heard many, many wonderful reviews of the book, and today seems to be the perfect opportunity to start!

So let's go to Atlanta,,,never mind the snow storm that's a' brewin', cuz it's all part of the fun of International Adoption! Wheeeoooo!! :-)

UPDATE:  We did successfully get our fingerprints taken today-- woot! -- however it's a good thing we traveled first thing in the morning after dropping the girls off at school because the weather was nasty and getting worse,.  The radio announced that all government offices in Atlanta were shutting down early.  We did drive (wander) around an additional 20 stressful minutes because we forgot which exit to take and our GPS seemed confused.  Maybe its wires were crossed due to the storm?  We literally circled a residential area twice until finally, with great frustration, we threw a bag a peanut MnM's around the car (that's another story) and went rogue!  We figured it out all on our own.  Whew!

We arrived at USCIS shortly before 11am and the officers were already discussing how many people they could realistically see and when to start turning people away.  Let me stop and say:  Atlanta USCIS / Homeland Security fingerprint office is staffed with AWESOME folks.  We have been "doing international adoption" for literally 10 years now, and have lived in Tennessee for 7 1/2 years, and have gotten our prints many times at this office.  These people rock.  If you had a choice of where to go - don't know that you actually do - but if you could choose, choose Atlanta.  One of the reasons they extra-extra rock is because they let adoptive parents just show up days before their scheduled appointment.  Just bring your appointment letter and you are good!  They have never given us any hassle, although sometimes they joke with us good naturedly.  Props to these hardworking and enthusiastic government workers.  And thank you Lord Jesus for working out the details and keeping us safe!

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