Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Big Changes in the Haiti Adoption Process??

As you know, our family is currently waiting for IBESR to re-match us to W and invite us to Haiti for our 2 Week Bonding Visit.  This morning I read a post from Layla, another adoptive mama who isn't too far ahead of our family in their Haiti adoption process.  They have already been issued their official match and have signed the paperwork to adopt a toddler boy (February?).  However, they are still waiting for the invitation to travel to meet their future son.  Their adoption agency has been trying to learn the cause of this hold up.

Today we learn the reason...and it is posted on Layla's blog.  Big Changes are (possibly) being made in the adoption process.  The long, multi-phased court process called Parquet is (maybe) morphing into something quite different...and could potentially, hopefully, speed up the adoption process!!  Apparently a new judge is being hired, just to process Adoption Cases... Read the full story HERE.

This is VERY INTERESTING.  As of now, this story is coming out of only one adoption agency, so I'll be listening for what other agencies report as they receive information from their contacts in Haiti.  Our agency isn't able to confirm this information yet but is keeping their ear to the ground.  I will definitely left you all know when or if we receive confirmation that this change has been made official...

And as always, friends, please pray for W and all the orphans in Haiti waiting for a forever family.  And pray for the Haitian Officials who are working to improve the entire adoption process--bless them!

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