Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Birthday Care Package!

W is turning 7 this week!!  The painful reality is we can't be there with him to help him celebrate his special day.  But the next best thing is sending a birthday card and a bag full of good stuff!

One of my adoptive mama friends is at W's creche THIS WEEK picking up her son, D, for his Home-going trip.  (Yay for K and D!!)  D and W also happen to be good buddies.  And...D's mama is delivering our birthday package!  We are SO excited to find out how our sweetie responds.  Maybe there will even be a few smiley pics!

The last time (the only time) we & he "connected" was back in December when he received his Introduction to your Future Family care package.  He had such pride, joy and anticipation!  But that was such a loooooong time ago, especially for a 6 year old.  I often think, Does he wonder if we are still out there, thinking of him and working hard to bring him home?  Does he wonder if we have changed our minds about the adoption or forgotten all about him?  What goes through his mind each time one of his friends leaves the creche, and he is left behind.  Does he wonder, When will it be my turn?

We would ask you pray with us specifically for him to be encouraged about his future with his Forever Family--our family.  We ask that God gives him peace and enduring hope that we are here and we are praying hard and working hard to bring him home.

When I saw this blue t-shirt at the store, I immediately thought of my boy.  He loves Spiderman!  And, Spidey glows in the dark--cool!  Besides, I think the red and blue will look super handsome on him. :)

There is one more thing inside W's birthday package I did not mention...  Love,,,lots and lots of LOVE.

(Some of you are curious to know the specific items we included with W's birthday gift.  They are:  a birthday card, a t-shirt and shorts outfit, sunglasses, new family photos (laminated), a paint with water book, super hero stickers, a giant hot wheels coloring book, as well as--> construction paper and lots of crayons and tootsie rolls for all the kiddos at the creche to enjoy.)


  1. Our family has applied to adopt from the same orphanage in Haiti. I after reading your blog I recognized W in his birthday shirt on the FB page. He is a handsome fella. Praying that you can feel the peace and patience that only God can give.

  2. Hi Amy,

    Great to hear from you...and thanks SO much for your prayers! That is awesome to hear that you will also be adopting from C4C. :) Which agency are you working with? Have you started your home study?

    1. Yes, we have finished our homestudy and we hope our dossier is going to translation in the next week or so. We are working with Lifeline Children's Services. We are really excited and I love seeing the posts by C4C and how close some of the families are to coming home!

    2. How exciting! I hear good things about Lifeline. It's good to "meet" you. Walkin' this journey together!

    3. Lifeline has been great...such a Christ centered agency. And yes...its nice to "meet" you too! I look forward to reading about the rest of your journey.


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