Tuesday, April 26, 2016

TOT = Totally Off Topic

I've been thinking for a while that I needed  a clever way to brain-purge all the words floating around in my cranium.  I heard some time ago that men have approx. 12,000 words a day and women have approx. 40,000.  There's just not enough time in my day (or people to listen..) to get all 40,000 words in!  Can I get a witness??

Seriously though... ;-)  Aside from being passionate about adoption, I care deeply about others things, too.  For starters-- Serving Jesus, Authentic Worship, Creating Healthy Families, even Politics (oh no she DID'nt!).  And I really like stuff like essential oils, furry friends, #thm and more.

Sooo back to my clever idea...today I introduce my new *Series of Posts* entitled Totally Off Topic (Tuesday).  Ta da!!

Okay, so you are probably visiting my blog today because you want to keep up with Wisly's adoption journey, or maybe it's because you are interested in Haiti or adoption in general.  You aren't here because Social Media is lacking in stimulating articles, videos, memes and dramatic discussions.  You have plenty of other things to read without me adding to them.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that TOT(T) posts are for me more than they are for you.  Sometimes I have such loud thoughts in my head, I need to write (type) them down.  Sometimes they keep me up at night!  {ugh}  Writing helps me organize and focus my thinking.  It helps me understand what it is I really feel and believe.  So I guess TOT(T) is kind of an "out loud journal" -- a journal that I'm letting anyone within hearing (reading) distance have access to.

Hopefully these posts will encourage some of you, or to others, they might be thought-provoking.  And the rest of you?  Well, if you aren't interested in TOT(T)'s, that is A OK.  Just don't stop by on Tuesdays.  No worries.  Come back on Hump-Day for "Wisly Wednesdays".

[({i'm wondering if i could be any cheesier. heehee.})]

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