Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Uh Oh! It Happened! :(

This afternoon has been worrisome and stressful.

I received an email from USCIS.

When I first glanced at my phone, I thought, Wow, are we getting our USCIS approval in record time??!

You see, I have been praying we would not receive an RFE, Request for Evidence, from USCIS.  Many families have been receiving them lately, which in serious cases, can delay the adoption by several weeks or even months.

Was this email our Approval Email?  Well,,, No.

Turns out our son's birth certificate, which was submitted with our adoption file, has an incorrect date of birth, essentially a typo. :(  UGH!

This quickly put me in freak-out-and-fix-it mode which set off a flurry of emails, texts and facebook messages...to USCIS, our adoption agency and the creche adoption staff.

(And texts to family) (And lots of praying) (And facebook posts requesting prayer) (And some tears, I admit it..)

Wisly's birth certificate has been a thorn in the side of our adoption this whoooole long process.  I guess it's only apropos that it would cause us a hitch at the end of the process. ;-)

Fortunately, I was able to connect with 2 of the creche staff directly and received their assurances that this would be dealt with right away and be fixed soon.  They contacted USCIS to let them know they are on top of the situation.  Tomorrow morning, a creche staff member plans to pick up a new birth certificate (from where, I forgot to ask..), take it to the civil registrar to be legalized (takes 2-3 days generally), then get it back to USCIS...hopefully first of next week. 

So there is a Silver Lining!  Praise Jesus!!

If you were one of the folks that immediately started praying when you were made aware of the situation, THANK YOU!  It appears it won't be a difficult or lengthy solution.  But would you please continue to pray?  This is Haiti.  Anything could happen. ;-)

Please pray that C4C can accomplish these tasks in record time, all because of God's Hand on this process, and may God receive all the glory!

I do also thank the Lord that USCIS contacted us directly, and today, instead of 6 weeks or more into the process.  I am told that they can tend to be slow at informing adoptive families of errors in their files, so praise God we found out now instead of later! :-)

Will keep ya posted!

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