Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A Humbled Prayer for Faith

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am humbled tonight.  Your sweet Holy Spirit made me aware of something important this evening.  I thank you for showing me the hearts of my girls during this long journey to their brother.   I have too often questioned over the years, Why is this so hard?  Why is it so painful?  Why is it taking SO long?, yet not once have I heard my children complain in their prayers.  

Every morning, every night and sometimes in between, our now 9 and 5 year old daughters pray for Wisly—that he would “come home soon”, that You would fix the paperwork problems, that You would heal Wisly when he’s been sick, that You would encourage him and the other children at the creche, and so forth.  And they thank You for each miracle along the way.  They frequently tell You how much they love and miss their brother (our youngest hasn’t even met him).  Yet not once have I heard them say, Why, God, is this taking so long?  Their prayers are simple, to the point and expecting, without anxiety, that their requests will be answered.

The heart of a child is a heart that naturally trusts Jesus.
My children know their every need  will be provided.  They have an earthly father and mother that cherish them.  They know this and don’t question it.  Therefore, our girls trust that their Heavenly Father cares about them and their brother, and He is working everything out just as it should be. 

Oh Lord, give me a faith like that!

Help me to remember and believe at the very core of my being that You cherish me and You cherish Wisly.  Help me to be confident in Your Omnipotence.  Help me to rest in the knowledge that You GOT this.

Lord, stir up my childlike faith in You.


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