Saturday, July 9, 2016

A Poem about Recent Events in Our Nation

The recent tragic events in our country have been weighing heavily on my heart and keeping me up at night.  As the white mother to two Asian girls, and soon to our black son from Haiti, I try to pay attention to societal attitudes and current events.  I want to be armed with information so I can prepare and equip them for life in this world.

This week, however, I found I was experiencing information overload.  Thoughts, emotions and questions were spinning in my head at such a rapid pace that I literally felt ill.  All around me there were too many voices, too many opinions, a whole lot of anger and not many solutions. "Worldly Wisdom" had stepped in and pointed her finger.

In the midst of the confusion, God spoke to me.  He revealed that I had allowed the cacophony of social media and the news media to distract me.

I had to step back. I had to get quiet and Listen. 

This is what God whispered to my heart.

Prayer for the Heavy Heart
A Poem

God wrote these words on my heart on July 9, 2016. 
I merely transcribed them.
Jennifer Johnson, Chattanooga, TN

My heart is heavy, yet somehow, light
God is not distant; He sees our plight
A world in chaos all around
Yet God’s love is power, deep and strong

People dying left and right
Hate is real and brings a fight
But we have a Word that came to dwell
In our hearts to make souls well

The battle is real, our enemy fights hard
Yet Christ has the victory and it is Large!

He cleanses sin
He sets the captive free
His love brings life, joy and unity!

Our streets run with blood and tears flow freely
We stand divided, weak and needy
Why do we see others through eyes of hate
When our Savior came to take sin’s place?

Satan seeks to steal, kill, and destroy
He fills our minds with damaging noise
Stirring up division and hate is his main goal
Sowing fear is his focused role

Yet Christ came to earth to give us life
The way to end all darkness and strife
His death tore the curtain of distance from God
And opened our hearts that once were so flawed

So let us turn our souls now to Him
Let us surrender all our sin
Peace can be ours and a royal crown
As children of God with spotless gowns

Lord, we lay before the cross
All our pain and all our loss
We choose praises instead of fear
Thank you, God, for being so near

Now let us remember:
All people on this earth were made with love
In the image of our Father above
Let us ask for the mind of Christ
That we may see others through His eyes.

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