Saturday, April 13, 2013

Something you should know about this blog

I shared in my previous post that we had chosen the name Caleb if God ever brought us a son.  This name was chosen long before we even started trying to have a family.  I guess our assumption was always that Caleb would be a tiny baby born to us, upon whom we would lovingly bestow the name Caleb.  At that early stage of Eric's and my life together, we could not have imagined the different and exciting family plan that God was preparing us for. 

So now we have before us a "little man" instead of a baby.  A boy who will soon be 6 years old.  He has a Haitian name and this is what is familiar to him. For a child who has experienced loss and uncertainty since the beginning of his life, I imagine that his name is very important to him.  Eric and I decided long ago that if we ever adopted an older child (past the toddler years), especially a school aged child, we would have the child make the decision with us about his new name.  With Noelle (18 months at adoption) and Selah (10 months at adoption), we kept their Chinese and Taiwanese name to use as their middle name.  With "little man", he may want his new name to be like his sisters', or he may want his Haitian name to remain first.  Either way, we will find the name that fits him.

So, what is his Haitian name? is where that issue comes up about telling the story but not over-sharing.  Of particular concern would be sharing information that could jeopardize the adoption process with its many legal steps.  The other concern would be having information "out there" that could end up making the child feel awkward or uncomfortable later on.  I will try to strike a healthy balance as I tell his story.  As we get further into the process we will be able to share more of the backstory details.  Regarding sharing photos of this oh-so-handsome fellow, details about where he is living, etc., we will find out what our adoption agency recommends and go from there.

So without further ado...
His name is W.!

Haha!  That's all you get for now. :) 

When our family talks about him at home, we call him by his Haitian name (it is soooo sweet) and not Caleb...for the reasons mentioned above.  And the fact that we are a very long way from an adoption decree.  So for this blog, "little man" will be referred to as W.

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