Saturday, January 24, 2015

It Went Great

Our social worker, Janet, came over Friday afternoon to do out official home visit for the updated home study required by USCIS for extending our immigration approval.  It was wonderful to see her. Maybe not everyone can say that about their home study social worker, but we've been doing home studies and updates and change of country and all sorts of adoption related stuff with this gal...since March 2009!  She has become a dear friend of ours, so instead of dreading the office meetings and home visits, we actually look forward to our times together.  And both Selah and Noelle act like, themselves,,,not feeling the need to be on their "best behavior", because they are so comfortable with her.  It doesn't stress me because they enjoy playing near her and chatting with her and showing off new talents, new toys, whatever.  It is very, very cool.  We all laugh as we chat, catch up on each others lives and give lots of hugs.  We are blessed to know this lady-- our social worker, our advocate, our friend. :-)

One confession:  Eric and I still clean and organize like crazy in preparation for her coming.  Yep, we sure do, although it's not because we are nervous or afraid she won't approve us.  It's because it is a great excuse (motivator) to get things done that we've been putting off!  Our house looks AWESOME, and it might still, for another 12 hours or so... ;-)

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